Fwd: [plt-scheme] already imported identitfiers in "pretty-big"
> From: *Corey Sweeney*
> Date: Apr 8, 2006 7:40 PM
> Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] already imported identitfiers in "pretty-big"
> To: jay at cs.brown.edu <mailto:jay at cs.brown.edu>
> hmm, don't actually need my "third" function to come from srfi/1.ss, I
> just want to not have to deal with the clash every time i write some
> code. Is there a way to do:
> (module grr (lib "plt-pretty-big-text.ss" "lang")
> (require (except (lib "1" "srfi") `those-that-clash))
> (third `(1 2 3))
> (fold + 1 `(1 2 3)))
> short of figureing out a "those that clash" list by hand and typing them in?
I don't think so.
It would be nice if the error message gave all clashing names at once
instead of one at a time.
For srfi-1 use
(require (lib "list.ss" "srfi" "1"))
to avoid clashes (could this be added to the top of the srfi-1
Or use Herman's
Jens Axel Søgaard