[plt-scheme] interesting DrScheme error message
Yes, known bug. -- Matthias
On Sep 22, 2005, at 9:55 PM, Prabhakar Ragde wrote:
> I had a student who wrote code that looked something like this
> (simplified to convey the essence):
> (define (f x y)
> (+ x y))
> (define (g x y)
> (+
> (f x x)
> 10)
> 20)
> Running this in Beginning Student (299.400) highlights the "f" in the
> definition of g and gives the error message:
> f: name is not defined, not an argument, and not a primitive name
> If, on the other hand, I replace the expression (+ (f x x) 10) with (+
> 2 10), I get the 20 highlighted, and the more reasonable error
> message:
> define: expected only one expression for the function body, but found
> one extra part
> Is there a logical explanation for this? From the student's point of
> view, the first error message is quite incomprehensible. Thanks. --PR
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