[plt-scheme] collection not found: "planet" on Windows ...
I'm using 299.400 on Windows, installed from the binary installer.
I've got a batch file that does this
mzscheme -qu "%USERPROFILE%\local\bin\filter-firefox-bookmarks.ss"
(I've attached the file itself if you're interested)
On Windows, when I run the batch file, I see this:
C:\Documents and Settings\erich.WA>filter.cmd
C:\Documents and Settings\erich.WA>mzscheme -qu "C:\Documents and Settings\erich.WA\local\bin\filter-firefox-bookmarks.ss"
standard-module-name-resolver: collection not found: "planet" in any of: (#<path:C:\Documents and Settings\erich.WA\Application Data\PLT Scheme\299.400\collects>)
Oddly, though, if I open the Scheme program in DrScheme ("module"
language) and click the "Run" button, it works fine.
It also works fine on *nix from the command line.
What might be causing this?
And is it my imagination, or is that list of paths suspiciously short
(i.e., contains just one entry)?
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