[plt-scheme] MrMySQL
I'll be looking to your bindings in the next minutes. But, by the way,
what made you create a new set of bindings. I do think there are some
more bindings for MySQL, right?
Why are you creating new ones instead of improving the existing bindings?
Paulo Matos
On 21/10/05, Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> wrote:
> For those of you interested on my MySQL bindings, I updated a new version in
> which I try to do less than in the previous versions but I do it!
> http://pupeno.com/eng/misc/temp/mr-mysql-20051010192243.tar.bz2/file_view
> --
> Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> (http://pupeno.com)
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Paulo Jorge Matos - pocm at sat inesc-id pt
Web: http://sat.inesc-id.pt/~pocm
Computer and Software Engineering