[plt-scheme] Help with a macro

From: Evan Farrer (farrer at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 3 09:40:47 EDT 2005

I've run into a problem with a macro that I'm writing.  I've come up with a simple example that demonstrates the behavior that I'm seeing.

(define-syntax (a-loop stx)
  (syntax-case stx (for)
               [(_ count body ...)
               (with-syntax ([itid (datum->syntax-object (syntax count) 'it)])     
                            (let ([done (equal? 0 (syntax-object->datum #'count))]
                                        [next (sub1 (syntax-object->datum #'count))])
                              #`(let ([itid count])
                                  #,(if done
                                      #'(begin body ...)
                                          body ...
                                          (_ #,next body ...))))))]))

If I call the following like:
  (a-loop 9 (printf "~a" it))

I get a series of 9's  I'd expect "9876543210".  I've tried running it under the expander language and from what I can see, everything should be working.  Can anyone enlighten me as to where my thinking is wrong, and how this should be implemented?



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