[plt-scheme] DrScheme and memory

From: Erich Rast (erich at snafu.de)
Date: Tue Nov 29 03:27:06 EST 2005

Thanks a lot for the advice. I guess ultimately I'll have to upgrade 
memory, but unfortunately Apple memory is quite expensive---and cheaper 
3rd party memory with the same specs sometimes elicits strange behavior 
in Powerbooks even if it passes Apple's hardware tests.

Anyway, I'll give DrScheme3m a try and let you know if that helps.

Best regards,


Am 29.11.2005 um 01:04 schrieb Matthew Flatt:

> At Mon, 28 Nov 2005 08:42:57 -0700, "Chongkai Zhu" wrote:
>> By the way, I don't think the 3m collector
>> will solve your problem.
> It sounds like DrScheme is using more and more memory as you run your
> program, so it's the sort of problem that 3m *should* solve. If you try
> DrScheme3m, please let me know whether it helps.

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