[plt-scheme] wmzscheme
Hi Matthew,
Is it also possible to redirect stdout/stderr from within the wmzscheme
Matthew Flatt schreef:
>At Sun, 13 Nov 2005 20:38:17 +0100, Hans Oesterholt wrote:
>>Sometime ago I asked a question regarding wmzscheme.
>>This issue was solved with the answer provided here.
>>However I stumbled on one thing:
>>Look here for the command line I need to use to
>>get wmzscheme.exe working with the 'standard collection paths as installed'
>>D:\build\log\wmzscheme.exe -e
>>Is there a better way?
>You could build the collection path into the "wmzscheme.exe" binary:
> (require (lib "embed.ss" "compiler"))
> (make-embedding-executable "wmzscheme.exe"
> #f #f null null
> `((current-library-collection-paths
> ',(current-library-collection-paths)))
> null
> '((subsystem . windows)))
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
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