[plt-scheme] equal? operator
>>(define PROOS-STORE (make-hash-table 'equal 'weak))
>>(define (pobject-from-oid oid _class)
>> (let ((class (proos-class _class)))
>> (if (eq? class #f)
>> (error (string-append "proos class definition for " _class " not
>> (let* ((obj (hash-table-get PROOS-STORE (list oid) (lambda () #f))))
>> (oodb-dbg "PROOS-STORE: " oid obj)
>> (if (eq? obj #f)
>> (let ((obj (class 'from-oid oid)))
>> (hash-table-put! PROOS-STORE (list oid) (make-weak-box obj))
>> (oodb-dbg "PROOS-STORE: " oid obj)
>> obj)
>> (weak-box-value obj))))))
>>oid's are 32<oid<64bit integers. I noticed a normal hash table
>>(make-hash-table 'weak)
>>will not find my oids (they're to big). Now I resorted to (list oid) for
>>the key in the hash
>>table *and* an 'equal property on the hash tables. But can It be done
>>safely without the
>>(list ...)?
>Yes -- because `equal?' works fine on bigints. Also -- why to you
>make weak boxes? -- The hash table stores values weakly anyay...
I'm not sure about that. 1. KEYs of type integer (32bit) will not be
collected (they're not
weak appearently). 2. KEYs of type integer (64bit) on a 64 bit
architecture may thus also
be not weak.
Also, the values don't seem weak to me.
In my case, there's a circular reference. The oid is stored in the
object created by (class 'from-oid oid).
If I do not put the created object in a weak-box, the weak key will
never be collected. E.g.:
>(define a (car (psearch (all test-class))))
>(define b (car (psearch (all test-class))))
>(eq? a b)
((23423523523234342 #roos))
>(set! a #f)
>(set! b #f)
((23423523523234342 #roos))
Because the #roos object references the stored oid, the oid is still
referenced, and
the weakness premisse doesn't do its work. Now my implementation:
>(define a (car (psearch (all test-class))))
>(define b (car (psearch (all test-class))))
>(eq? a b)
((23423523523234342 <weak-box>))
>(set! a #f)
>(set! b #f)
Because a and b do not reference the #roos object in the weak-box anymore,
the weak-box can be collected. because the weak-box is collected, the
key can
be collected.
Somehow, it works.
Best whishes,