[plt-scheme] Problem with macro generated provide/contract
At Sun, 06 Nov 2005 18:09:38 +0100, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
> The approach works nicely. I have a small problem
> blaming the right module though.
> [ ...]
> The error message is:
> 87:2: top-level broke the contract (-> any/c stack stack) it had with
> stack-signature on push; expected <stack>, given: 43
> Is there a way to get the provide/contract in the definition of
> provide-stack to know, where the (provide-set) is used? I.e. to
> get an error message mentioning super-stack in stead of stack-signature.
This works .... but I don't know if it is the right way to do things.
That syntax-e seems fishy.
provide/contract uses its argument's syntax location to find the
providing parties location. Perhaps it should be using the word
`provide/contract' instead? I'm not sure.
Maybe Matthew can say if this is good or not.
This is the error message with the code blow
99:1: top-level broke the contract (-> any/c stack stack) it had with
super-stack on push; expected <stack>, given: 43
(module stack-signature mzscheme
(require-for-syntax macro-utilities)
(provide provide-stack)
(define-syntax (provide-stack stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
(with-syntax ([pvd
(with-captures stx
(empty head pop push stack?)
(syntax/loc stx
(empty stack/c)
(head (-> stack/c any/c))
(push (-> any/c stack/c stack/c))
(pop (-> stack/c any/c))
(stack? (-> any/c boolean/c)))))))])
(with-captures stx
(empty head pop push stack?)
(syntax/loc stx
(require (lib "contract.ss"))
(define stack/c
(flat-named-contract 'stack stack?))
(define boolean/c
(flat-named-contract 'boolean boolean?))
; this didn't work