[plt-scheme] a semi-trivial tree-traversal problem
David Richards wrote:
> Here is a semi-trivial tree-traversal problem.
> Given a nested list (a tree) of numbers, return the number that causes
> the sum of all preceding (depth-first search) numbers to be greater
> than a specified value.
> For example:
> (define L '((3 3) 2 4) )
> ; (search-width L 7) --> 2
> ... because 3 + 3 + 2 is greater than 7.
> As far as I can determine, this works. But I have some questions.
> First, does this style of programming lead to any 'hidden' problems?
> Second, how might we eliminate the 'ugly' call to set! ? And finally,
> is there a generally better approach to solving this problem, either in
> terms of efficiency, or coding style?
How about:
(define (search-width tree limit)
(let/ec return
(define (search tree limit sum)
[(null? tree) sum]
[(number? tree) (if (> (+ sum tree) limit)
(return tree)
(+ sum tree))]
[else (foldl (lambda (t sum)
(search t limit sum))
(search tree limit 0)
"not found"))
(do ([i 46 (- i 1)]
[l '() (cons (search-width '(((1 2) 3 (4 5)) 6 7 (8 9)) i) l)])
((< i 0) l))
Jens Axel Søgaard