[plt-scheme] PLT Scheme v299.100

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Sat Mar 26 09:01:58 EST 2005

>Yes. Only with the change in conformity with Unicode (and default setting of 
That's no problem for me. I'm used to working case-sensitive.

>>Should I upgrade from 209? How stable is 299? I'm developing mzgtk2 against
>IMO, you should upgrade. Actually many people has use v299.x for months, and 
>it is quite 'stable'.
But I'm not waiting for untracable errors. mzgtk2 is a binding to Gtk2
and I have had
some very difficult to trace errors in this implementation. When I had
them, I was very
glad that I could eliminate with almost 100% certainty that these errors
had nothing to
do with mzscheme 209. What would be my chances with mzscheme 299.100?

>Zhu Chongkai

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