[plt-scheme] PLT Scheme v299.100
> At 2005-03-26, 15:03:49 Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
>> * Unicode characters and strings;
>UTF-8? Or do I need to set an encoding?
Yes, there is UTF-8. Quote from the PLT MzScheme Language Manual:
Most computing devices are built around the concept of byte (an integer from 0 to 255) instead of character. To communicate character sequences among devices, then, requires an encoding of characters into bytes. UTF-8 is one such encoding; due to its nice properties, the UTF-8 encoding is in many ways hard-wired into MzScheme's primitives, such as read-char. Encodings are discussed further in the following sections. For byte-based communication, MzScheme supports byte strings as a separate datatype from character strings (see section?3.6).
>> * access to foreign functions and libraries directly from Scheme;
>Is the old interface still available?
Yes. Only with the change in conformity with Unicode (and default setting of
>Should I upgrade from 209? How stable is 299? I'm developing mzgtk2 against
IMO, you should upgrade. Actually many people has use v299.x for months, and
it is quite 'stable'.
Zhu Chongkai