[plt-scheme] plt scheme on x86_64/amd64
From the transcript, it looks like everything except the extensions
worked fine. If so, that means that yo uwon't be able to use GL, ssl,
or the plot library. Those aren't used by drscheme or any other of the
major tools.
So, can you run drscheme?
At Mon, 21 Mar 2005 17:54:40 -0400, Neil Collins wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Hi,
> I am using gentoo 64 bit on my amd 64, however I am having trouble
> compiling the 209 build of plt scheme which I downloaded from
> drscheme.org
> Here are the errors are the end of the compile process (make install).
> Is work being done to get it to compile on x86_64?
> Are there some specific things I need to do to get this to compile and install?
> I know x86_64 isn't mentioned in the README, but I thought I would try it.
> Thanks,
> Neil
> setup-plt: Error during Compiling .zos for sgl
> (/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/sgl)
> setup-plt: default-load-handler: cannot open input file:
> "/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/sgl/gl-vectors/gl-double-vector.ss"
> (No such file or directory; errno=2)
> setup-plt: Error during Early Install for SSL Driver
> (/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/openssl)
> setup-plt: make: Failed to make
> compiled/native/x86_64-linux/mzssl.so; link-extension: command failed
> setup-plt: Error during Early Install for homogeneous-vectors
> (/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/srfi/4)
> setup-plt: make: Failed to make
> compiled/native/x86_64-linux/homo-f64-vector-prims.so; make: Failed to
> make compiled/native/x86_64-linux/homo-f64-vector-prims.so;
> link-extension: command failed
> setup-plt: Error during Early Install for sgl
> (/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/sgl)
> setup-plt: make: Failed to make
> gl-vectors/compiled/native/x86_64-linux/gl-double-vector.so;
> link-extension: command failed
> setup-plt: Error during Early Install for Plot library
> (/home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/plot)
> setup-plt: make: Failed to make
> /home/neil/Downloads/plt/collects/plot/compiled/native/x86_64-linux/fit-low-level.so;
> link-extension: command failed
> install: Errors in compilation process! (1)
> make[1]: *** [inplace-finish] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/neil/Downloads/plt/src'
> make: *** [install] Error 2