[plt-scheme] profiling in MzScheme
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> At Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:19:39 +0100, Johannes Brauer wrote:
>> (define (flatten x)
>> (cond
>> [(null? x) '()]
>> [(not (pair? (car x)))
>> (cons (car x) (flatten (cdr x)))]
>> [else
>> (append (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x)))]))
>> by
>> (flatten '((a b) c))
>> generates the profile:
>> % Time Msec Calls Function
>> 100.000 0 6 flatten
> The profiler uses a millisecond timer, and the expression shouldn't
> take nearly a millisecond to execute, so the report is accurate within
> a millisecond.
> Actually, on many systems, the timer's resolution is worse than a
> millisecond. On the machine I'm using now, I think it's 10 msec.
> If you evaluate something like
> (flatten (vector->list (make-vector 1000 '(1 2 3))))
> do you get a non-zero time for `flatten'? (It's 20msec for me.)
> Matthew
Yes, I do (50msec for me)! Thank you for the hints.