[plt-scheme] profiling in MzScheme
For examle. calling the function
(define (flatten x)
[(null? x) '()]
[(not (pair? (car x)))
(cons (car x) (flatten (cdr x)))]
(append (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x)))]))
(flatten '((a b) c))
generates the profile:
% Time Msec Calls Function
100.000 0 6 flatten
Yes, I am using v209
Am 16.03.2005 um 05:37 schrieb Matthew Flatt:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> At Tue, 15 Mar 2005 22:49:27 +0100, Johannes Brauer wrote:
>> what is going wrong, when in the profile only the number of calls is
>> shown, the MSec column contains zeros always?
> Can you provide a little example? (And you're using v209?)
> Thanks,
> Matthew