[plt-scheme] reduction-semantics with multiple languages

From: Martin Gasbichler (gasbichl at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de)
Date: Mon Mar 14 16:57:26 EST 2005

Consider the following definition of two (completely useless)
languages using the reduction-semantics collection:

(module toy mzscheme
  (require (lib "reduction-semantics.ss" "reduction-semantics")
           (lib "gui.ss" "reduction-semantics" ))
  (define lang2
    (language (e (x e)
                 (- e)
             (x (variable-except foo))))
 (define lang
   (language (e (x e)
                (- e)
             (x (variable-except -))))
  (define reductions
     (reduction lang
                (x_ e_)
                (term e_))
     (reduction lang
                (- e_)
                (- (term e_)))))
  (traces lang reductions '(- 27)))

The term (- 27) should have only one possible reduction in
LANG. However, if LANG2 is defined as above (and before LANG) the
tracer shows two possible reductions in LANG (27 and -27). The system
obviously uses LANG2's definition of X. Changing the definition of the
non-terminal X in LANG2 to LANG's definitions fixes the problem. I
don't think it's intensional that the definitions of the languages
affect each other. I'm using PLT 208p1. Can anybody tell me what's
going wrong here?


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