[plt-scheme] Announce: sxml-match, a pattern matcher for SXML
sxml-match provides pattern matching "by example" for SXML:
The following example provides a brief illustration, transforming an music
album catalog language into HTML.
(define (album->html x)
(sxml-match x
[(album (@ (title ,t)) (catalog (num ,n) (fmt ,f)) ...)
`(ul (li ,t)
(li (b ,n) (i ,f)) ...)]))
sxml-match is based directly on the pattern matcher in WebIt! 2.0, but is
standalone, and uses the standard SXML notation for attributes, rather than
WebIt!'s keywords.
A manual for sxml-match is available on the web site:
The implementation is supported under PLT Scheme, (Petite) Chez Scheme and
Jim Bender
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