[plt-scheme] What happens if out of memory
On Jun 11, Chihiro Kuraya wrote:
> It seems there is no description in PLT documents about what happens
> if memory allocation function failes without
> scheme_malloc_fail_ok().
The InsideMz manual says:
void *scheme_malloc_fail_ok(void *(*mallocf)(size_t size), size_t size)
Attempts to allocate size bytes using mallocf. If the allocation
fails, the exn:misc:out-of-memory exception is raised.
> It would be better to write more information in "PLT Foreign
> Interface Manual" and "Inside PLT MzScheme", I think.
On things like this, the Foreign manual is simply exposing stuff from
inside mzscheme, so the documentation is better placed there.
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
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