[plt-scheme] dynamic require
> If I understand your complaint correctly, you're expecting
> module-paths to have a platform-specific separator character, though
> in MzScheme they don't. As I understand it, this
> platform-insensitivity is key in making it possible to write
> cross-platform code.
Nice, however, I didn't give the whole picture. Using 'build-path',
mzscheme itself
returns a path with backslashes on windows. With this returned path of
I tried to do a dynamic-require. I solved my problem as follows:
(define (find-driver driver)
(define (ups path)
(define (ups l)
(if (null? l)
(if (or (char=? (car l) #\/)
(char=? (car l) #\\))
(cons 'up (ups (cdr l)))
(ups (cdr l)))))
(ups (string->list (path->string path))))
(define (make-relative path)
(let ((p (path->string path)))
(if (string=? (substring p 1 2) ":")
(make-relative (build-path (substring p 3 (string-length p))))
(apply build-path (append (ups (current-directory)) (list path))))))
(define (get-relative-name name)
(define (backslash->slash l)
(if (null? l)
(if (char=? (car l) #\\)
(car l))
(backslash->slash (cdr l)))))
(path->string (make-relative name))))))
(define (try-driver P)
(if (null? P)
(let ((name (build-path (car P) "oodb" driver)))
(log-info "Trying path '" (path->string name) "' for driver '" driver)
(if (file-exists? name)
(get-relative-name name)
(try-driver (cdr P))))))
(let ((paths (cons (build-path (current-directory))
(try-driver paths)))
> John