[plt-scheme] DrScheme font combobox
Thank you for reply.
Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> At Sat, 28 May 2005 23:19:19 +0900, Chihiro Kuraya wrote:
> > I'm using DrScheme v299.100 on Windows 2000.
> > It appears that [Font] combobox of [Edit]-[Presference] menu
> > shows Japanese font names garbled.
> I'm not yet sure what's wrong...
> If you evaluate
> (get-face-list)
> in DrScheme using the MrEd language (or just in stand-alone MrEd), do you
> get a list with garbled strings?
Yes, I still got garbled.
I attached screen shot.
Menu bar, editor pane, and other UI components
display Japanese characters correctly.
But by evaluating (get-face-list),
interaction pane displays face names garbled.
If I input Japanese characters directly by keyboard,
Interaction pane can display Japanese correctly.
So this may be a problem of strings returned by this function.
Chihiro Kuraya
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