[plt-scheme] reading the output of a shell command execution
On Feb 8, Pedro Kroger wrote:
> I'm running a shell program using "process/ports" and trying to read
> it's output using a string port "port". If I type the body of the
> following function in the REPL I get some results (e.g. "No
> changes!\n") but if I put the code in a function "foo" it returns
> "".
> (define (foo)
> (define port (open-output-string))
> (current-directory "bib")
> (process/ports port #f #f "darcs whatsnew")
> (current-directory "/home/kroger")
> (get-output-string port))
> I'm pretty new to scheme and would appreciate any advice.
The process is running asynchronously -- when you typed stuff on the
REPL you probably gave it enough time to finish, but in a function,
you run the process and immediately get its output before it had some
chance to generate some. Your two options are:
1. Use the value that process/ports return (see the help desk entry),
it contains a control procedure which you should use with 'wait,
seomthing like this:
((list-ref (process/ports port #f #f "darcs whatsnew") 4) 'wait)
2. Use `system' which executes the command synchronously, but you'll
need to use parameterize:
(parameterize ([current-output-port port])
(system "darcs whatsnew"))
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!