[plt-scheme] the plt browser

From: Don Blaheta (dblaheta at knox.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 2 17:13:56 EST 2005

Quoth Paul Schlie:
> Robby wrote:
> > Maybe I should add that menu to the main drscheme window, too?
> Possibly, although suspect it's arguably a bit redundant, and otherwise
> consume space which may be better left for possibly more contextual items.

Could it maybe just be added to the Help menu instead?  Or, since
existing Help Desk windows already appear in the Window menu, maybe just
*change* the "Help Desk" item in the "Help" menu to "New Help Desk" if
at least one Help Desk window already exists?

-=-Don Blaheta-=-dblaheta at knox.edu-=-=-<http://faculty.knox.edu/dblaheta/>-=-
Angels we have heard on High
Tell us to go out and Buy.
		--Tom Lehrer

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