[plt-scheme] Question about fluid-let
A better name for fluid-let is "temporary assignment with sensitivity
about continuation entries and exits". -- Matthias
On Dec 30, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Greg Woodhouse wrote:
> Okay. I'm not sure I understand the explanation of fluid-let. I defined
> bump-counter this way
> (define bump-counter
> (lambda ()
> (set! counter (+ counter 1))
> counter))
> and then did the following
>> (define counter 100)
>> counter
> 100
>> (define counter 1)
>> (fluid-let ((counter 99))
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline)
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline)
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline))
> 100
> 101
> 102
>> counter
> 1
>> (let ((counter 99))
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline)
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline)
> (display (bump-counter)) (newline))
> 2
> 3
> 4
> This is not what I expected. My only thought that the scope of counter
> in the definition of bump-counter is unrelated to the scope introeuced
> by let in the second example, so bump-counter affects the binding in
> effect when it was defined, not when it is used. Is this what is
> referred to as a closure?
> Anyway, I wonder if fluid-let doesn't actually introdeuce what I'd call
> a dynamic scope in Perl, Python or MUMPS (meaning the binding is
> accessed via a dynamic link), or am I on the wrong track?
> ===
> Gregory Woodhouse <gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net>
> "Interaction is the mind-body problem of computing."
> --Philip L. Wadler
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