[plt-scheme] planet with v300 on Windows
I'm using the native Windows distribution.
I've had no problems on Linux, but on Windows, requiring planet packages
seems to explode. I don't think it's a planet server problem because, as I
said, things are fine on Linux, not to mention that the source files,
e.g., assert-test.ss, are just fine.
I get the same bad behavior from DrScheme.
Welcome to MzScheme version 300, Copyright (c) 2004-2005 PLT Scheme Inc.
> (require (planet "test.ss" ("schematics" "schemeunit.plt" 1)))
> default-load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for `assert-test',
> but found end-of-file in: #<path:C:\Documents and
> Settings\ittai\Application Data\PLT
> Scheme\planet\300\300\cache\schematic...
setup-plt: Error during Compiling .zos for schemeunit (C:\Documents and
Settings\ittai\Application Data\PLT
setup-plt: default-load-handler: expected a `module' declaration for
`assert-test', but found end-of-file in: #<path:C:\Documents and
Settings\ittai\Application Data\PLT
Any thoughts?