[plt-scheme] A crazy idea (fMUMPS)
On Dec 26, 2005, at 6:18 AM, Shriram Krishnamurthi wrote:
> It would certainly be reasonable to construct a functional
> basis for Mumps -- I would recommend that anyone trying to
> do this first study Chris Okasaki's wonderful book on functional
> data-structures to get insights into how best to organize things
> underneath the surface.
I found the dissertation online (and am reading it!) It, does,
indeed, look very interesting, and I can already see it addresses a
number of concerns. I should order the book (and learn some ML, too).
I've actually been rather intrigued by Haskell for a number of
reasons (strong typing, lazy evaluation). I haven't had occasion to
learn ML, although it's beginning to seem almost mandatory for
functional programmers.
> But of course, no Mumps programmer
> is going to adopt this,
Unfortunately, I'm sure you're right. I have made some (unsuccessful)
attempts to persuade fellow MUMPS programmers that functional
programming was interesting, but only one person showed much
interest, and he has a Lisp background. There's no one reason for my
interest in Scheme or functional programming, but I do think that
exploring the use of functional languages and technique in medical
information systems would be worthwhile. Advantages range from
improved possibilities of applying formal verification techniques to
strong similarity code I've seen (and written) over and over to
functional code (executing bits of code in the form of strings as a
way of simulating higher order functions, passing bits of code to
"iterators" as a parameter, the extensive use of symbol tables in
ways reminiscent of closures, and so forth). I'm skeptical of the
possibilities of implementing standard MUMPS as a functional
application, at least if the goal is to run VistA -- and I'm not
entirely sure there would be that much to be gained. But the
parallels I've hinted at are tantalizing. On top of that, it made a
big impression on me when I was forced to write code to parse through
essentially all of VistA to build a dependency graph. Such an
exercise should simply not be necessary! Beyond that, writing simple
user interfaces in Java (Swing) and then making what on the surface
appeared to be small changes to the UI and finding that it required a
fair amount of work led me to question whether OO represents the
right (or at least only) way to extend MUMPS. You may know that
InterSystems has developed an OO extension to traditional MUMPS that
is quite interesting, and there is an open source product known as
ESI Objects doing something similar, but with which I have no
experience. At one point, there was discussion of extending the ANSI
standard along OO lines, but I've started to wonder of late whether a
functional language (even if it isn't a strict superset) would be
worth exploring.
> so is the point to give PLT programmers
> a better set of associative libraries?
Certainly, the lack of associative data structures in Scheme has been
a frustration to me, but I'm enough of a neophyte, that I haven't
been ready to say this is a language deficiency and not just a gap in
my education. I've looked at ideas ranging from monads to
continuation passing, but don't really think I'm on the right track.
FWIW, the monadic style of programming in Haskell reminds me of
device I/O (writing to a device multiple times schedules "actions"
that will be executed sequentially, but at an unknown time). and it
is intriguing that lists can be treated as monads, but I'm told that
what is essential here is the non-determinism implicit in lazy
evaluation (no Church-Rosser theorem for actions), so that seems it
may be a bit of a false start.
> Shriram
I'm a programmer, but just an amateur in computer science.
Nevertheless, the degree of coupling in code I've seen an the
exponentially increasing cost of incremental enhancements is
something difficult for me to forget or ignore. To me, functional
approaches seem more promising than object oriented ones (though I'm
not sure the categories have to be mutually exclusive), and so I
suppose I've been trying to think through how I might go about
developing code of the type I write in my day to day work using
functional techniques and f functional language. (I'm also a bit of a
pariah over on Hardhats for suggesting that a time comes when it is
better to step back and write new code from scratch, rather than
continuing to modify the same code.)
Gregory Woodhouse
gregory.woodhouse at sbcglobal.net
"Nothing is as powerful than an idea
whose time has come."
-- Victor Hugo