[plt-scheme] I can't open a .scm file ? What happens? A bug ! What can I do ?

From: Andre Mayers (andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca)
Date: Mon Dec 12 08:32:17 EST 2005

Good day, 

I cannot open the backup file either. 
But other .scm files open without problem. 
I use version 299.400p1, french. 
Any help will be appreciated. 

Thank you. 

Andre Mayers, Ph.D., professeur  |  tel: 819-821-8000x2041
Departement d'informatique       |  fax: 819-821-8200
Universite de Sherbrooke         |  andre.mayers at usherbrooke.ca
Sherbrooke (Quebec)              |  http://www.dmi.usherb.ca/~amayers
Canada J1K 2R1

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