[plt-scheme] a few questions (was: Scheme questions?)

From: Danny Yoo (dyoo at hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu)
Date: Sun Dec 4 18:50:04 EST 2005

> Okay, as a newcomer to the language, letrec seems reasonably intuitive
> to me, named let is mysterious. (I think of letrec as binding a set of
> symbols to lambda expressions, where the expressions may involve mutual
> recursion. It seems to me that in
> (let whatever ((..)...)
> whatever is used in the body of the expression as if though it were
> itself a lambda expression, but how this works (and what the correct
> syntax is) seems rather mysterious.

Hi Gregory,

I tend to use named-let as a way of writing loops in Scheme.  For example,
if we were to try to find an element in a list, we might write something
like this:

(define (my-member elt lst)
  (let loop ((lst lst))
    (cond ((null? lst) (list))
          ((equal? elt (car lst)) lst)
          (else (loop (cdr lst))))))

And although this can be rewritten by using just letrec:

(define (my-member2 elt lst)
        (lambda (lst)
          (cond ((null? lst) (list))
                ((equal? elt (car lst)) lst)
                (else (loop (cdr lst)))))))
    (loop lst)))

it feels slightly more verbose than the named-let version.  So as far as
power is concerned, named-let doesn't give us anything new, but the
named-let syntactic sugar makes it a little more convenience to define
these one-shot looping functions on the fly.

The example above shows that we can look at named-lets as really a letrec
in disguise.  We can say this more formally, to tell Scheme how to do this
syntax translation from a named-let to a real letrec, by defining a

(define-syntax my-named-let
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ function-name ((id val) ...)
        e2 ...)

           (lambda (id ...)
             e2 ...)))
       (function-name val ...)))))

This syntax definition tries to show how we might take something that uses
a named-let, and describe it in terms of a letrec.  And we can use it!

> (my-named-let pairing-loop ((names '(danny andy jerry)))
    (if (<= (length names) 1)
        (cons (list (car names) (cadr names))
              (pairing-loop (cdr names)))))
((danny andy) (andy jerry))

If we're curious, we can watch this expansion in action by explicitely
calling PLT Scheme's syntax expander to take our expression above and
expand it once:

> (syntax-object->datum
    '(my-named-let pairing-loop ((names '(danny andy jerry)))
        (if (<= (length names) 1)
            (cons (list (car names) (cadr names))
                  (pairing-loop (cdr names)))))))
(letrec ((pairing-loop (lambda (names) (if (<= (length names) 1) (list)
(cons (list (car names) (cadr names)) (pairing-loop (cdr names)))))))
(pairing-loop (quote (danny andy jerry))))

Hmmm, the result does look like it works, but it's a slight mess to read.
Let's pretty-up that output to make it better indented, using the
pretty-printing library in PLT Scheme's 'mzlib' standard library:


> (require (lib "pretty.ss"))
> (pretty-display
     '(my-named-let loop ((names '(danny andy jerry)))
        (if (<= (length names) 1)
            (cons (list (car names) (cadr names))
                  (loop (cdr names))))))))
(letrec ((loop
          (lambda (names)
            (if (<= (length names) 1)
              (cons (list (car names) (cadr names)) (loop (cdr names)))))))
  (loop '(danny andy jerry)))

I hope this helps!

Posted on the users mailing list.