[plt-scheme] procedure-environment
William Josephson writes:
> I'm in the process of porting code from a guile-based
> environment that makes heavy use of guile's
> procedure-environment to determine the value bound to
> free variables in lambdas. I'm curious to know if
> anyone has suggestions on how to implement the
> equivalent in mzScheme.
I made a simple procedure reflection facility as part of my Socrates
language (for my PhD thesis research). It probably wouldn't be usable
as-is for your purposes but it might give you a good start. In a
nutshell, the idea is to compute the free variables at
syntax-expansion time, then create another lambda in the same lexical
scope whose body is a case statement mapping the variable names to
their current values. For more details, see chapter 7 of my
dissertation or browse the source code (starting with
socrates/proc-src.ss), both available via Sourceforge:
HTML documentation and PLaneT distribution still pending.
--dougo at place.org