[plt-scheme] literal html data in servlets

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri Aug 19 15:17:18 EDT 2005

You can get this in Matthew's world w/o any problem. It's even appeared 
in DrDobb's so no excuse -- Matthias

P.S. Having said that, I am in TOTAL agreement with Eli. Don't define a 
macro when a function can do. A good compiler will one day take care of 
this problem.

On Aug 19, 2005, at 3:05 PM, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:

>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Eli Barzilay wrote:
>> That's a dangerous argument -- you should make sure that the overhead
>> from using a function is substantial enough to justify a macro.
>> Macros are less convenient to deal with, if only due to the fact that
>> you can no longer treat it as a first class object to pass it around
>> or to apply it on a list of things.
> Waddell's define-integrable macro gives you the best of both worlds.
>     <http://www.scheme.com/tspl3/syntax.html#./syntax:s57>
> The original version with a step by step derivation of the
> macro is found in his thesis.
> -- 
> Jens Axel Søgaard

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