[plt-scheme] literal html data in servlets

From: Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema (hdnews at gawab.com)
Date: Thu Aug 18 17:32:40 EDT 2005

Hmm, ok, but what I really want is to include real (partial) HTML code 
into an xexpr.

Felix Klock's plt proxy schreef:

> Hans-
> Its not _exactly_ what you describe below, but the Here-Xexprs I 
> developed might come in useful for what you describe. (I think that 
> Here-Xexprs are nicer than using string literals, mainly because you 
> don't have to worry about escaping characters.)
> Scroll down to the section on "here-xexprs.ss" in:
> http://planet.plt-scheme.org/207.1/docs/pnkfelix/here-readers.plt/1/0/doc.txt 
> This is available in planet for MzScheme version 209, I believe via 
> the require statement:
> (require (planet "here-xexprs.ss" ("pnkfelix" "here-readers.plt" 1 0)))
> If there is demand, I could look into what would be involved to get 
> this working under version 299. . .
> -Felix
> On Aug 18, 2005, at 3:33 PM, Hans Oesterholt-Dijkema wrote:
>     L.S.,
>     Is it possible with the plt-webserver to combine X-Exprs and Plain
>     HTML text with each other?
>     e.g.:
>     (define H1 "XYZ")
>     `(html (head (title "test"))(body (h1 ,H1) (*literal*
>     "<h2>head2</h2><p><ul><li> 1</li><p><li> 2</li></ul>") (h3 "head3")))
>     Thanks in advance for answers,
>     Hans
> ----
> "graph coloring is not cool" -josh

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