[plt-scheme] Some more PLaneT questions

From: Williams, M. Douglas (M.DOUGLAS.WILLIAMS at saic.com)
Date: Tue Aug 9 11:56:00 EDT 2005

I downloaded 299.200 this morning and checked out my graphics code against
it.  Unfortunately, in fixing the pl-setup-page function, another bug was
introduced that nullified the fix.  In addition to changing xleng and yleng
to _plint, xp and yp were also changed.  They really should be _plflt.  So
the call still sets the page parameters wrong and the page is always 800 x
600 - the defaults within PLPlot.

Here is the correct definition of pl-setup-page.

(define* pl-setup-page
  (get-ffi-obj "c_plspage" libplplot
               (_fun (xp : _plflt = 0.0)
                     (yp : _plflt = 0.0)
                     (xleng : _plint)
                     (yleng : _plint)
                     (xoff : _plint = 0)
                     (yoff : _plint = 0)
                     -> _void)))

I also attached an updated plplot.ss file from 299.200 that fixes the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: eli at cs.cornell.edu [mailto:eli at cs.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Eli
> Barzilay
> Sent: Friday, August 05, 2005 11:18 AM
> To: Williams, M. Douglas
> Cc: plt-scheme at web-ext.cs.brown.edu
> Subject: Re: [plt-scheme] Some more PLaneT questions
> On Aug  5, Williams, M. Douglas wrote:
> > [...]
> > 2) The graphics functionality for the science collection requires a
> >    patch to fix a bug in the plot collection (PLoT) for Version
> >    299.100.  Should I include the patched file from PLoT
> >    (plplot.ss)?  Is there a better way to handle this?
> > [...]
> Your patches were applied in the repository, thanks.  I think that
> there was one issue with one part of your latest email clashing with a
> previous patch, but I'm not sure -- Alex can say more.  In any case,
> the current code in svn should be working.
> --
>           ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
>                   http://www.barzilay.org/                 Maze is Life!

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