[plt-scheme] tree.cxx example file doesn't compile

From: Hicham Zakaria (hicham.zakaria at UMontreal.CA)
Date: Thu Aug 4 09:55:20 EDT 2005


When I try to compile the example file
(c:\plt\collects\mzscheme\examples\tree.cxx) as a dll, I usually receive an
error message in the linking step. Here is the console output that I get:

C:\PLT\collects\mzscheme\examples>c:\plt\mzc.exe --cc tree.cxx
MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 209, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.
 [output to ".\tree.obj"]

C:\PLT\collects\mzscheme\examples>c:\plt\mzc.exe --linker c:/mingw/bin/g++.exe
--ld tree.dll tree.obj 
MzScheme compiler (mzc) version 209, Copyright (c) 2004 PLT Scheme, Inc.

g++.exe: C:\DOCUME~1\Zakaria\LOCALS~1\Temp\tmp27.base: No such file or

I work on the XP platforme and use MinGW 3.1. compiler.
Does anyone knows how to get this problem fixed ?

Thanks and best regards,

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