[plt-scheme] Breaking hygiene
I think I've tracked down the problem in a macro I've written, and I
think it's because I'm trying to break hygiene. I seem to try and do
this a lot.
If I write (in Scheme)
(define foo
(lambda (...) ... (foo ...)))
(where the ... are your conversational, "I-don't-want-to-fill-this-in"
...s, not syntax pattern ...s)
'foo' is bound to the top-level definition. However, if I write a macro
that spits out syntax like
#`(define #,(syntax-object->datum generated-foo)
where 'generated-foo' might expand to an identifier 'foo'. However, any
references to 'foo' in the body will *not* be the same 'foo', as they
exist at two different times in the expansion tower. Furthermore, if I
were to make the introduced identifier the same as the identifier found
in the 'wrapped-body', then I would be breaking hygiene.
Is this correct? That is, I am trying to break hygiene, yes?
PS. Perhaps another thread, but how do people develop and debug
significant macros? Or, do they just "get it right" the first time around?