[plt-scheme] Unreadable Error Messages
I accidentally omitted the list in my original reply to Tim.
Tim has determined that changing the font from Fixedsys to Courier New
fixes the problem. More generally, he sees the problem with
bitmap-based fonts (including plain Courier).
I get garbled italic text using a very specific combination: bitmap
fonts in v299.100 through Remote Desktop from my Mac. Maybe it's a
Remote Desktop problem in that case. Since Tim sees the problem
non-remotely, though, I think something deeper may be wrong -- maybe
with MrEd, or maybe just with Windows. If anyone has any further
information, please let me know.
At Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:39:51 +0100, Tim Collier wrote:
> I'm having problems with error messages in the interaction pane with
> DrScheme (version 209) on Windows XP. If I type some garbage at the
> prompt, I get a bug icon and some completely unreadable red 'glyphs'.
> If I change the font size in preferences to something really big, I can
> make out what they are supposed to be (just about) - 'reference to
> undefined identifier', perhaps??
> Is this a problem with DrScheme or my setup? Any suggestions would be
> most welcome.