[plt-scheme] PLAI mzscheme and drscheme question

From: Rohan Nicholls (rohan.nicholls at pareto.nl)
Date: Thu Apr 7 14:30:16 EDT 2005

At Wed, 6 Apr 2005 05:24:38 -0400,
Eli Barzilay wrote:
> On Apr  6, Rohan Nicholls wrote:
> > [...]
> Not a direct answer but...
> The plai collection has combination of the datatype code with the HtDP
> language levels, which is not really used.  I suspect that some bad
> interaction between these things is what leads to this problem.  If
> you're just trying to make your way through the book, then you can try
> the code that I've hacked -- it's at
>   http://www.ccs.neu.edu/course/csu660/resources.html
> You get a "csu660.ss" to use as a language.  It is a little different
> than the plai language -- `define-type's are the same, but `type-case'
> should change like this:
>   (type-case F1WAE expr
>     [num (n) n]
>     [add (l r) (+ (interp l fundefs) (interp r fundefs))]
>     ...)

Sorry I am being very slow with this but to clarify would that mean
(define lookup 
  (lambda (name sc)
    (type-case SubCache sc
               [mtSub () (error 'lookup "no binding for identifier")]
               [aSub (bound-name bound-value rest-sc)
                     (if (symbol=? name bound-name)
                         (lookup name rest-sc))])))

>   -->
>   (cases expr
>     [(num n) n]
>     [(add l r) (+ (interp l fundefs) (interp r fundefs))]
>     ...)

would become 
(define lookup 
  (lambda (name sc)
    (cases sc
          [mtSub () (error 'lookup "no binding for identifier")]
          [aSub (bound-name bound-value rest-sc)
                 (if (symbol=? name bound-name)
                     (lookup name rest-sc))])))

> It should work fine in mzscheme or drscheme (the "CSU660 Class"
> language level).

(define-type FunDef
  [fundef (fun-name symbol?)
          (arg-name symbol?)
          (body F1WAE?)])

gives me this:
STDIN::768: define-type: cannot use the type name for a variant at:
fundef in: (define-type fundef (fundef (fun-name symbol?) (arg-name
symbol?) (body f1wae?)))

So if I name it to (define-type AFunDef .... this should work?
As I don't have to explicitly name the case I am referring to,
then there should be no problem because they are function calls
anyway, so each case needs to be unique within the namespace anyway?

Thanks for the help, 


P.S. I wasn't sure whether to bug the whole list about this, so I
haven't copied them on this, if you feel someone besides myself might
be interested please do forward it.

Posted on the users mailing list.