[plt-scheme] [comp.lang.scheme] Re: Displaying bitmaps

From: Noel Welsh (noelwelsh at yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Sep 22 11:37:43 EDT 2004

--- Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk at cs.brown.edu> wrote:

> The Cookbook comes through!  Good show, Schematic'ers.


I'm told that is the correct thing to say in these
situations is, though that might be last year's phrase --
I'll have to ask one of the fresh-faced new undergrads
wandering around campus. ;-)

Grandpa Noel

PS: I've always preferred Schematician to Schematicer; it
flows more easily off the tongue.

Email: noelwelsh <at> yahoo <dot> com
AIM: noelhwelsh

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