[plt-scheme] Weak hash tables
I expected this:
(define wht (make-hash-table 'weak))
(define strong "bar")
(hash-table-put! wht 'strong strong)
(let ((foo "value"))
(hash-table-put! wht 'key foo))
(hash-table-for-each wht
(lambda (k v)
(display (format "key: ~a value: ~a\n" k v))))
to print:
key: strong value: bar
but it prints:
key: strong value: bar
key: key value: value
I presume this is an artifact of conservative gc.
I wrote the above test to determine if a weak hash table shrinks
during gc, as opposed to accumulating k/v pairs with a #f value. If
the latter case is true I could periodically purge the hash table, but
I guess adding my own garbage collector wouldn't be much harder.
Any thoughts?