: [plt-scheme] tex

From: netgeek at speakeasy.net (netgeek at speakeasy.net)
Date: Tue Sep 7 13:07:29 EDT 2004

"David J. Neu" <djneu at att.net> wrote on September 1, 2004 4:39:39 PM EDT

> I was wondering if someone could tell me where to find TeX2page's
> tex2page.sty file that's mentioned in the documentation:
> http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/dorai/tex2page/tex2page-doc-Z-H-2.html.

It's in the slatex collection. You might want to set TEXINPUTS to include it. For example:
 export TEXINPUTS=/path/to/plt/collects/slatex:.:

Mike Burns

Posted on the users mailing list.