[plt-scheme] trying to figure out the do form
I thought these 2 would be equivalent, and the description seems to say they
should be.
My self-appointed exercise was to move the update clauses around, so the (-
i 1) was deleted from the (var val update) line & put into the do-if-false
expression list.
Can someone show me where I'm messing up?
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(do ((i n (- i 1)) (a 1 (* a i)))
((zero? i)(display "ans is ")(display `("i, a",i",",a))(newline))
(display `("i, a",i", ",a))(newline))))
(factorial 4)
(define factorial
(lambda (n)
(do ((i n ) (a 1 (* a i)))
((zero? i) (display "ans is ")(display `("i, a",i",",a))(newline))
(display `("i, a",i", ",a))(newline)(set! i(- i 1)))))
(factorial 4)
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