[plt-scheme] Multimedia file format questions
Quoth Robert Bruce Findler:
> On Oct 1, 2004, at 7:49 PM, Don Blaheta wrote:
> > ... Is the file format actually documented anywhere (all signs
> > point to no)?
> Yes, you're right: not really. Partly that's because we've not
> documented the main file format and partly that's because it's
> extensible. That is, each snip gets to decide how it writes its own
> content out.
Ok. Even with the extensibility, if the framework were known it'd be
easier to reverse-engineer the parts, though.
> > * I need to get at java-interactions-box%; I tried to simply
> > (require (lib "tool.ss" "profj")) but it turns out that class is
> > not actually exported. I'm still quite new to the PLT module
> > model---is there some way to get around this? (How does DrScheme do
> > it?)
> Again, it's because DrScheme is extensible. What actually happens:
> drscheme loads too.ss from profj (after reading it's info.ss to find
> the file) and then it hooks itself into drscheme.
I'm still a bit lost. When tool.ss is loaded, java-interactions-box% is
loaded, but not exported so it can be seen. When I send a load-file to
a text%, it claims it can't find the java-interactions-box% , which it
needs in order to decipher those snips in the .bjava file. So I do need
to make the j-i-b% public somehow, right? How?
Another problem I had forgotten about: several of my students have
reported that DrScheme doesn't let them save files with the extension
.bjava (instead converting it to .bjava.scm or just .scm). I haven't
been able to reproduce it; is there some option I should tell them to
look for?
-=-Don Blaheta-=-dblaheta at knox.edu-=-=-<http://faculty.knox.edu/dblaheta/>-=-
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returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.
--Mark Twain