[plt-scheme] Fwd: error-building plt dr scheme, on FC2 X86_64 (missing files??)
There is no gl-double-vector.ss. The cause of that error is reported later in
the message: that gl-double-vector.so failed to link. Given that the other
error messages report failures for plot, ssl and others, it looks like your
configuration is unable to compile extensions for some reason. However,
everything but the specific collections with errors should work ok.
On Monday 15 November 2004 03:22 pm, B wrote:
> For list-related administrative tasks:
> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> Hi, if you are experienced with installing DR scheme, can you look at the
> error I get during make install?? .configure
> make
> both seemed to go OK...
> make install
> .
> .
> .
> setup-plt: Installing ProfessorJ
> setup-plt: Post-Installing MrEd
> setup-plt: Done setting up
> setup-plt:
> setup-plt: Error during Compiling .zos for sgl
> (/usr/local/plt/collects/sgl) setup-plt: default-load-handler: cannot
> open input file:
> "/usr/local/plt/collects/sgl/gl-vectors/gl-double-vector.ss" (No such file
> or directory; errno=2) setup-plt: Error during Early Install for SSL Driver
> (/usr/local/plt/collects/openssl) setup-plt: extension-installer: can't
> find needed include files and/or library; try setting the environment
> variable PLT_EXTENSION_LIB_PATHS setup-plt: Error during Early Install for
> homogeneous-vectors (/usr/local/plt/collects/srfi/4) setup-plt: make:
> Failed to make compiled/native/x86_64-linux/homo-f64-vector-prims.so; make:
> Failed to make compiled/native/x86_64-linux/homo-f64-vector-prims.so;
> link-extension: command failed setup-plt: Error during Early Install for
> sgl (/usr/local/plt/collects/sgl) setup-plt: make: Failed to make
> gl-vectors/compiled/native/x86_64-linux/gl-double-vector.so;
> link-extension: command failed setup-plt: Error during Early Install for
> Plot library (/usr/local/plt/collects/plot) setup-plt: make: Failed to
> make
> /usr/local/plt/collects/plot/compiled/native/x86_64-linux/fit-low-level.so;
> link-extension: command failed install: Errors in compilation process! (1)
> make[1]: *** [inplace-finish] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/plt/src'
> make: *** [install] Error 2
> so I tried to locate the gl-double-vector.ss file...
> root at faculty4-442:/usr/local/plt$ find ./ -name gl-*.ss
> ./collects/sgl/gl-vectors.ss
> ./collects/sgl/gl-unsafe.ss
> ./collects/sgl/gl-wrapper-helper.ss
> I think the gl-double-vector.ss is a scheme source file that should be
> included in the source distro, right?? If not what am I doing wrong??
> thanks
> Burlen