[plt-scheme] just starting, comming from j2ee
Hi Dominique, thanks for your answer
I found this page
(http://sisc.sourceforge.net/comparison.php) that
compares Kawa, JScheme, Bigloo and SISC, and I went to
their web sites to read, but I havent test myself
anything (I need to learn Scheme first, I guess :)
What I didn't like from Kawa is that you have to
compile and deploy your servlets like regular java
servlets, and you don't have a REPL so you loose some
of Scheme's good qualities. (Is that so in your
experience? )
There are also some restrictions about continuations,
tail recursion, etc but at this point I don't know it
those will matter at all for my project.
Same for the slower JScheme and the faster Bigloo.
SISC is the more flexible but then, I don't know,
would it be possible to build a highly scalable site
on top of an interpreter made in java?
I would really appreciate if you tell me a little
about your experience with Kawa.
I was wondering if it would be to much of an
"impedance gap" between the java libraries (say, jdbc,
jndi) and Scheme as a language. Can you really "think
in Scheme" having to use libraries that weren't
designed for that?
--- Dominique Boucher <dominique.boucher at nuecho.com>
> Hi Jaime,
> Have you considered using Kawa? It compiles to the
> JVM and has a nice
> interface to Java. It is possible
> to deploy Web applications in J2EE environments
> (what I do for a living,
> actually).
> Dominique Boucher
> > I'm just starting with Lisp/Scheme. My day job is
> all about
> > Java/J2EE (Servlets, EJB, ...) and I want to set
> up
> > something equivalent to that only using
> Lisp/Scheme.
> >
> > I have evaluated several implementation and so far
> my
> > candidates are CLisp and PLT Scheme (I need to be
> able to
> > deploy on Windows). They are close, but I like
> that PLT have
> > support for threads and libraries for XML/HTML.
> >
> > With CLisp the solution would be to use Apache +
> mod_lisp or fastCGI.
> >
> > My question is, how would the architecture be with
> PLT?
> > Behind Apache with some equivalent to mod_lisp?
> > (I know PLT has its own web server but I
> understand is not
> > too secure so far.)
> >
> > Is it posible to build a *high performance*,
> *highly
> > scalable* web site (say, Amazon) using PLT? With
> > continuations for linear flow control, or they
> will kill performance?
> >
> > How the performance would compare with my
> reference:
> > J2EE? Say BEA Weblogic.
> >
> > I know the app will have to be drastically
> different (beyond
> > syntax) but what I want is to get a sense of where
> are the
> > limits and what is the applicability of PLT for
> production
> > enterprise sotfware.
> >
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