[plt-scheme] error message for case-sensitivity
John Clements <clements at brinckerhoff.org> writes at 10:54 25-May-2004 -0400:
> You could go even further with this. I can imagine a system that would
> 1) check for similar re-casings of the identifier, and suggested them
> to the user.
> 2) if this doesn't work, ask the user whether this was supposed to
> refer to a user-defined or library procedure.
> 3) If a user-defined procedure, allow the user to browse a list of the
> user-defined procedures.
> I'm not sure what kind of research there is in here, but it seems
> do-able.
Could be spun as part of programming environments HCI research, except I
think I've seen it done before (call it "spelling corrector", "fuzzy
completion", or "info retrieval"), in a Smalltalk or Lisp system.