[plt-scheme] DrScheme Interactions window

From: Connor Ferguson (psfreak at linkline.com)
Date: Mon May 10 20:10:26 EDT 2004

I have tested the GUI, it came up with the window (I had modified it so that
it had two text fields). When I entered the verb in however, it gave me an
error because it recognized the information in the text field as a string.
My verbs that I have defined as one-word variables that include a verb
structure with all the conjugations are not strings. They follow this

(define ser (make-verb "ser" "to be" "soy" "eres" "es" "somos" "sois"

I tried changing it like so:

(define "ser" (make-verb "ser" "to be" "soy" "eres" "es" "somos" "sois"

but it gave me an error saying that it expected a definition name or a
primitive operator after define but found a string. I know about the
functions number->string and string->number. Is there anything like that for
strings not made up of numbers?


>>on 5/9/04 5:03 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> On May 9, 2004, at 2:50 PM, Connor Ferguson wrote:
>> I have already tested my conjugating program extensively in
>> Intermediate and
>> it works.
> Did you test the GUI too?
>> I tried using exactly the same GUI that you sent me but it still
>> didn't work.
> Did you test the code that I mailed you in Intermediate?
> Without the header lines and extra ) at the bottom?
>> I still do think that I'm going to have to use two separate
>> text fields because if it is one text field, it will act like a single
>> argument, right? My program needs two separate arguments.
> Yes you will. -- Matthias
>> -Connor
>>>> on 5/8/04 7:59 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>>> Connor, remember the sequence:
>>> 1. Develop in a teaching language (Intermediate is probably okay).
>>> 2. Set the teachpack to gui.ss
>>> 3. Get the program right there.
>>> 4. Then do the rest.
>>> 5. If you don't follow those basic rules, the likelihood that the
>>> problem is yours is 99.9%.
>>> ;; ---
>>> If you want to confirm that you can get executables, use the GUI that
>>> I
>>> mailed you and follow the steps. I'd be extremely surprised if they
>>> don't work. (I will install a 204 if you report otherwise but that'll
>>> take a while. I will also not be happy if I can't reconstruct it.)
>>> If you do two steps at once, you always end up taking four :-)
>>> -- Matthias
>>> On May 8, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Connor Ferguson wrote:
>>>> Alright, I created the executable and that worked (it showed me the
>>>> icon).
>>>> But when I opened it, it opened a MrEd window entitled Standard
>>>> Output
>>>> and
>>>> gave me this error message
>>>> cddddr: expects argument of type <cddddrable value>; given ("(module
>>>> mod-name mzscheme(require(lib \"pconvert.ss\")(lib
>>>> \"pretty.ss\"))(provide
>>>> init-code)(d...
>>>> [Exited]
>>>> The name of the module that I have put in includes spaces. Is that a
>>>> problem? I also changed the GUI so that it has two text boxes, one
>>>> for
>>>> the
>>>> subject and one for the verb.
>>>> -Connor
>>>>>> on 5/8/04 7:05 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>>>>> For list-related administrative tasks:
>>>>> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>>>>> On May 8, 2004, at 9:30 PM, Connor Ferguson wrote:
>>>>>> For list-related administrative tasks:
>>>>>> http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
>>>>>> This sounds great. I think I will need to modify it so that the GUI
>>>>>> will
>>>>>> have two text fields one for the subject and one for the verb.
>>>>>> The only thing is, I have defined a verb as a structure and have
>>>>>> then
>>>>>> defined individual verbs. So my program takes a string and a verb
>>>>>> (struct)
>>>>>> (define-struct verb (inf yo tu 3sing nos vos 3plural))
>>>>>> (define ser (make-verb "ser" "soy" "eres" "es" "somos" "sois"
>>>>>> "son"))
>>>>>> Correct me if I'm wrong, but information placed into a text field
>>>>>> in
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> GUI
>>>>>> is considered a string. Could I possibly solve this problem by
>>>>>> modifying my
>>>>>> verb definitions as such:
>>>>>> (define "ser" (make-verb "ser" "soy" "eres" "es" "somos" "sois"
>>>>>> "son"))
>>>>> Nah, remember that (define XYZ ...) introduces a Scheme name (XYZ)
>>>>> to
>>>>> stand
>>>>> for some value.
>>>>> You may wish to consider a menu instead of a text field for input
>>>>> and
>>>>> just use lists.
>>>>>> Also, will this executable require DrScheme to be installed on the
>>>>>> computer
>>>>>> that it is running on and is it universal?
>>>>> You will need DrScheme on other computers just like you need Windows
>>>>> on other computers to run your Windows program and OS X to run your
>>>>> OS X
>>>>> program and so on. That's what's called an Operating System and
>>>>> DrScheme
>>>>> is just a very high level operating system.
>>>>> -- Matthias
>>>>> P.S. Good luck with your parents.

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