[plt-scheme] Limiting access to the parent class in Swindle

From: Eli Barzilay (eli at barzilay.org)
Date: Wed May 5 03:20:08 EDT 2004

On May  1, Paulo Jorge de Oliveira Cantante de Matos wrote:
> ;; Everyclass will inherit from math
> (defclass math ())
> ;; Class Number
> (defclass number (math))
> ;; Class Rational
> (defclass rational (number)
>           (numerator :accessor rational-numerator :initarg numerator)
>           (denominator :accessor rational-denominator :initarg
> denominator))
> ;; Class Integer
> (defclass integer (rational)
>           (denominator :reader rational-denominator 
>                        :allocation :class
>                        :initvalue 1))
> (defmethod (print-object (obj integer) esc? port)
>            (fprintf port "~a" (rational-numerator obj)))
> > (make integer :numerator 2)
> #<struct:swindleobj>
> > (rational-numerator (make integer :numerator 2))
> #<undefined>
> > 
> Any idea why print-object is not printing the object and why the second
> interaction doesn't return 2?

1. Use a keyword for :initarg.  When you write :initarg numerator
   above, you get the Scheme built-in numerator function as the
   keyword, which is most likely not what you intended.

2. Use class names that look like <foo>, especially when you define
   things that are so close to built-in functions.  In your case this
   will still be problematic because Swindle already has classes like
   <number> and <rational>.

3. You don't need to define a rational-denominator again for the
   integer class.  Looks like you think that this will remove the
   rational-denominator setter, but it doesn't.  Instead, you probably
   want to redefine the set-rational-denominator! method (that was
   created by the rational class definition ) for integer objects to
   raise an error.

4. Again, this does not protect you against changing the value through

          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                  http://www.barzilay.org/                 Maze is Life!

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