[plt-scheme] suggestions and commendations for exercise 2.21
I have created an alternative teachpack "mathematical.ss" that provide
a gui and a repl for applying functions.
> (function-as-repl f "identity" "number" 'x)
Enter number and press <enter> [to exit, type x]: 100
identity maps 100 to 100
Enter number and press <enter> [to exit, type x]: 200
identity maps 200 to 200
Enter number and press <enter> [to exit, type x]: 0
identity maps 0 to 0
Enter number and press <enter> [to exit, type x]: x
> (function-as-repl f2c "Fahrenheit-to-Celsius" "Celsius temperature"
Enter Celsius temperature and press <enter> [to exit, type a]: 212
Fahrenheit-to-Celsius maps 212 to 413 3/5
Enter Celsius temperature and press <enter> [to exit, type a]: 100
Fahrenheit-to-Celsius maps 100 to 212
Enter Celsius temperature and press <enter> [to exit, type a]: -40
Fahrenheit-to-Celsius maps -40 to -40
Enter Celsius temperature and press <enter> [to exit, type a]: 0
Fahrenheit-to-Celsius maps 0 to 32
Enter Celsius temperature and press <enter> [to exit, type a]: a
Invisible examples:
> (function-as-gui/simple f -100 +100)
> (function-as-gui f2c -100 +100 "Fahrenheit to Celsius converion"
"F->C" "Fahrenheit" "Celsius")
For your entertainment, I attach the new teachpack. Save it and set
your teachpack to this file. If you find it useful, let us know and we
distribute it with DrScheme. -- Matthias
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