[plt-scheme] Re: image manipulation
> > Oh, absolutely. There are advantages to SWIG, though: presumably,
> > as it's the de facto standard, there'll be a (growing) library of
> > bindings to all sorts of nice and useful stuff. Perhaps an
> > interpretative back-end should be added to SWIG?
> But if you have a dynamic thing working, you don't need any library...
> It's all there -- all you need is the Scheme declarations that match
> the C headers.
Yes, but they're non-trivial to do nicely, because the standard
representations for common abstractions are quite different in C and
scheme. For example, something like this in C:
#define TASTE_SWEET 0x0001
#define TASTE_SOUR 0x0002
#define TASTE_SALT 0x0004
#define TASTE_BITTER 0x0008
#define TASTE_UMAMI 0x0010
int nibble_snack(char *name,int taste);
would be nicely mapped to scheme as something like:
(taste 'chowmein '(sweet sour))
You can use heuristics to spot things like C's pseudo-enum pattern
(the SCM/w FFI did, AFAICR), but that gets complicated, too (often
a single word is split into multiple regions under and-masks). Also,
subtleties in the semantics of structs; unions...
Essentially, it's a process that's, I believe, always going to be at
least partly manual, and sometimes quite a slog (try LAPACK!), even
with a tool like SWIG - so it's nice to be able to share with other
groups whose concerns are similar (I suspect many dynamic languages
would prefer to do the above scheme-style rather than C-style).