[plt-scheme] Interrupting a Computation
This is my first mail on this mailing list. Please, let me know if it is not appropriate to submit some report related strange behavior of DrScheme.
Often I simply cannot stop a computation. The Break button does not seem to respond when I click on it when performing computation such as:
(define (iota a b)
(if (= a b)
(cons b '()) ; which is absolutely equivalent to (list b)
(cons a (iota (+ a 1) b))))
(define limit 10000000)
(define notToBedisplayed (time (iota (- limit) limit)))
(define (iota n m)
(if (<= n m)
(append (list n) (iota (+ n 1) m))
() ))
(define notToBedisplayed (time (iota (- limit) limit)))
I find that really annoying because I need to really kill the process...
I use a MacOSX laptop G4 and 512Mo of RAM.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel