[plt-scheme] here-string

From: Bradd W. Szonye (bradd+plt at szonye.com)
Date: Sat Mar 6 13:25:50 EST 2004

Bruce Hauman wrote:
> OK lets look at bar delimited symbols then. I just read about this.
> (display
>  (symbol->string
> '|alias modemup='su -c "ifdown eth0;wvdial &"'
> alias modemdown='su -c "killall wvdial;ifup eth0"'|))
> =>
> alias modemup='su -c "ifdown eth0;wvdial &"'
> alias modemdown='su -c "killall wvdial;ifup eth0"'

Bar-delimited symbols/strings are especially unsuitable for shell here
strings, because the vertical bar is a common shell character.

The key feature of here strings is that you can choose any arbitrary
sequence of characters as the end-of-string symbol, and you don't need
any "escape" sequences in the string itself.
Bradd W. Szonye

Posted on the users mailing list.