[plt-scheme] here-string

From: David J. Neu (djneu at att.net)
Date: Sat Mar 6 12:54:00 EST 2004


Thanks for the reply, but as Felix mentions, I was hoping for a more
WYSIWYG-ish solution where I didn't have to worry about the
double-quotes (or newlines).  Any ideas on how to get either of the

Either something like the following from the scsh manual:

(run (csh -c #<<EOF
cd /urops
rm -rf *
echo All done.


or even something like the following might be OK (but it's probably
not quite as nice):

(define sh-code-1
   alias modemup='su -c "ifdown eth0;wvdial &"'
   alias modemdown='su -c "killall wvdial;ifup eth0"'))
alias modemup='su -c "ifdown eth0;wvdial &"'
alias modemdown='su -c "killall wvdial;ifup eth0"'

(define sh-code-2
    alias ~a='su -c "~a"'
    alias ~a='su -c "~a"')
   "ifdown eth0;wvdial &"
   "killall wvdial;ifup eth0"))

Many thanks!


On Sat, Mar 06, 2004 at 11:45:07AM -0500, Bruce Hauman wrote:
>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> David J. Neu wrote:
> >  For list-related administrative tasks:
> >  http://list.cs.brown.edu/mailman/listinfo/plt-scheme
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >I was wondering if something similar to scsh's line-delimited
> >here-strings exists in mzscheme?
> >
> >And if not, any ideas on how to roll something.
> >
> >Many thanks in advance!
> >
> >--David
> Forgive me if you already know this.
> (display
> "Here is a
> string that
> works as a
> here-string.
> You only have to
> watch out for the
> \" marks.")
> =>
> Here is a
> string that
> works as a
> here-string.
> You only have to
> watch out for the
> " marks.
> Cheers,
> Bruce

Posted on the users mailing list.